
Dr Diana Popa
Postdoctoral Researcher
Contact Information
School of Humanities
Tallinn University
Uus-Sadama 5, 10120,
Tallinn, Estonia
2017 PhD Film Studies, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
I am a film scholar with an interdisciplinary research agenda situated at the intersection of film and cultural memory studies. I explore how historical (fiction and documentary) films that creatively re-use audio-visual archival materials remediate the Eastern European past and memory in local, regional and transnational contexts. I have worked as an ERC postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Edinburgh as part of the “Illuminating the ‘Grey Zone’: Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations” project.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Symbolic Responsibility: Holocaust Memory in Romania through Radu Jude’s Archival Documentaries. In: Mediating Historical Responsibility: Memories of Difficult Pasts in European Cultures De Gruyter [forthcoming].
“Spectacular Provocation: The Spectators as Implicated Subjects in ‘I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians”. The Slavic and East European Journal, 67 (3), 380−397.
“Hopeless Didacticism: Archival Sources and Spectatorial Address in ‘I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians’.” Law Culture and the Humanities, online first, October 2019.
“Narrating the past: Cultural memory and Romanian identity in Aferim!.” Journal of European Studies 48: 3-4, 308-326.
“Rattling the Cage – Family Relations in Adrian Sitaru’s The Cage.” Short Film Studies 3(1), 97-100.
“Probing the body – Political and Medical (Empty) Authority in the New Romanian Cinema.” Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 4, 115-129.
Book Reviews
Review of Slow Movies. Countering the Cinema of Action by Ira Jaffe. Frames Cinema Journal, 8.
Review of Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe edited by Dorota Ostrowska, Francesco Pitassio and Zsuzsanna Varga. Frames Cinema Journal, 14.
Review of Not According to Plan. Filmmaking under Stalin by Maria Belodubrovskaya, “Beyond Resistance and Repression: an Institutional Approach to Soviet Cinema History.” Studies in Eastern European Cinema 11(1), 109-112.