

“Tõlgitud mälu” loengusari: prof Madina Tlostanova

Madina Tlostanova, Linköping Ülikool, Rootsi
(De)coloniality of Memory: Intersections of Colonial and Totalitarian Trajectories and Creative Memory Work As a Way To “Re-existence”

5. aprill 2022 16.00
Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti (online)
Ühinege Zoomi lingiga siin.
NB! Loeng toimub inglise keeles.

Loengu tutvustus:
Сoloniality of memory is one of the effective and inherently violent instruments of modernity as a repressive onto-epistemic system that effectively controls people through imposing specifically constructed and legitimized collective memory models and historical narratives and excluding or disqualifying all other forms and ways to remember. Ultimately this process may lead to extreme forms of zombification and biopolitical control disciplining and supressing the most personal, affective, and corporeal forms of memory. Societies that went through multiple and entangled experiences of politically, existentially, aesthetically, and epistemically repressive regimes such as apartheid, dictatorship, totalitarianism, genocide, ethnic cleansing and other forms of modern/colonial unfreedom, tend to come up with complex and often conflicting responses to the wiped out or severely edited memory syndrome in their post-dependence phases where they are faced with a necessity to reimagine and remake their worlds anew through processes of “re-existence”. The post-Soviet/postcolonial struggles with (de)coloniality of memory are an interesting example of such positionality. In my talk I will focus on several fictional and artistic instances of (de)coloniality of memory coming from the post-Soviet space.

Madina Tlostanova on dekolonisatsiooni teoreetik ja kirjanik, Linköpingi Ülikooli postkoloniaalse feminismi professor. Tema uurimisvaldkondadeks on  dekoloniaalne mõte, eriti selle esteetilised, eksistentsiaalsed ja episteemilised ilmingud, globaalse lõunapoolkera feminismid, postsotsialistlik inimeksistents, kirjandus ja kunst, kriitilised tuleviku-uuringud ja kriitiline sekkumine keerulistesse kooslustesse, kriisi ja muutustesse. Tema viimased raamatud on “What Does it Mean to be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire” (Duke’i Ülikooli kirjastus, 2018), “A New Political Imagination, Making the Case” (koos Tony Fryga, Routledge, 2020), “Decoloniality of Knowledge, Being and Sensing” (Kasastan, 2020) ja toimetatud kogumik “Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues. Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice” (koos Redi Koobaku ja Suruchi Thapar-Björkertiga, Routledge, 2021). Tal on käsil eksperimentaalne multimeedia raamat “Fictions of Unsettlement”.

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