Palun registreerige siin.
22. veebruar 2022 16.00 (EET)
Mitja Velikonja, Ljubljana Ülikool, Sloveenia
Poetry after Srebrenica? – A Cultural Reflection on the Yugoslav 1980s
5. aprill 2022 16.00 (EET)
Madina Tlostanova, Linköping Ülikool, Rootsi
(De)coloniality of Memory: Intersections of Colonial and Totalitarian Trajectories and Creative Memory Work As a Way To “Re-existence”
10. mai 2022 16.00 (EET)
Simon Weppel, Cambridge Ülikool, UK
“Stepping Over the Threshold of Time”: The Rise of Heritage in the Brezhnev-Era Soviet Union
NB! Loengud toimuvad inglise keeles.